S.L.I.M.M.S.™ is a new investigational procedure designed by Dr. Quebbemann that combines both Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and Gastric Bypass into one procedure. Developed by Dr. Brian Quebbemann, the procedure is currently offered only as part of our S.L.I.M.M.S.™ Clinical Trial. The procedure is not considered a standard bariatric procedure at this time.
The S.L.I.M.M.S.™ Procedure is a modified combination of the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and the Gastric Bypass. It involves removal of the upper portion of the stomach (similar to the portion of stomach removed by the Sleeve operation) and combined with a Gastric Bypass. The goal is to try to combine the long-term beneficial effects of gastric sleeve (long-term decrease in the hunger hormone, Ghrelin) with the beneficial effects of the gastric bypass (feeling full with smaller meals and long-term improvement in diabetes.
Dr. Quebbemann designed this procedure with the goal of obtaining a procedure that would deliver better long-term results than either the gastric bypass or gastric sleeve separately.
Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions that dramatically increase the risk of coronary artery disease, stroke and diabetes. These conditions include Abdominal Obesity, Hypertension, Elevated Blood Sugar and an Imbalance of Cholesterol. Metabolic surgical operations alter intestinal hormones and can result in dramatic improvement, and sometimes resolution, of Metabolic Syndrome. The goal is to achieve more beneficial long-term hormonal changes that might have an increased success rate on resolving metabolic conditions.
Candidates for this experimental procedure are people that qualify for the standard bariatric procedures, Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass, and are between the ages of 18 and 65.
S.L.I.M.M.S.™ is currently in the clinical trial phase. It is not known at this time whether this procedure is as safe as the Gastric Bypass or the Gastric Sleeve, and it is not known whether this operation results in similar, worse, or better results than any of the standard bariatric procedures being used today.